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Underground Oil Tank Leak Remediation Case Study

Customer: Confidential - Residential property
Client: Monmouth County, New Jersey

A property owner notified Firstech Environmental of inventory losses relative to a 550 gallon #2 heating oil UST at a residential property. Firstech Environmental properly removed and decommissioned the UST in accordance with American Petroleum Institute guidelines. Upon removal of the UST, product saturated soils (PSS) were observed in the excavation. Firstech Environmental developed a project strategy to remediate the observed hydrocarbon impacted soil and assess any impact to the groundwater to expedite project closure and reduce remediation costs.

Subsequent to the identification and full delineation of all impacted soil, which exceeded remediation criteria, Firstech Environmental was able to minimize the amount of soil excavated. The soil remediation plan implemented by Firstech Environmental resulted in significantly reduced soil excavation, transportation and disposal costs, and equipment mobilization/demobilization charges compared to a conventional method (e.g. soil excavation prior to delineating impacted areas). Over-excavation would have occurred, significantly increasing excavation and disposal costs, if delineation samples were not collected by Firstech Environmental before the soil excavation activities.

Firstech Environmental used a NJDEP approved Alternative Groundwater Sampling Technique (AGWST) to cost-effectively assess groundwater quality conditions at the site. A groundwater sample was collected using a HydroPunch sampler with a mobile GeoProbe rig. The sample collected did not contain any targeted parameters exceeding the NJDEP's Groundwater Quality Standards. The collection of groundwater samples using an AGWST significantly reduced costs and expedited investigation time compared to the conventional method of installing a monitoring well and collecting samples 14 to 30 days subsequent.

Firstech Environmental prepared a Remedial Action Report (RAR) upon completion of the site work. The RAR contained technical justifications for No Further Action (NFA) relative to soils and groundwater at the site. The NJDEP approved the RAR for NFA.

Customer benefits:

  • Reduced expenditures on soil remediation and groundwater investigation were realized
  • Expedited site closure was possible due to efficient implementation of alternative investigative and remediation strategies