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Environmental assessment for NJ child care centers

Environmental guidance for child care centers in New Jersey

As of June 2007 all child-care centers must conduct a site investigation prior to obtaining or to maintain their State Day-Care License. To meet the environmental requirements of the Department of Children and Families (DCF), regulated day-care centers must complete a Preliminary Assessment and obtain a No Further Action letter from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

Since the new regulation inception Firstech Environmental has been instrumental in helping child care centers get the approval for their new Licenses and Renewals. Some of the benefits using Firstech Environmental are listed below.

Client benefits:

  • During your free consultation, Firstech Environmental consultants will present you with a clear picture of the environmental requirements and help you get the NJDEP No Further Action (NFA) letter.
  • Firstech Environmental saves you money by applying for State Grant money up to $1,500 after you receive your NFA letter.
  • Our goal for you is to get a No Further Action letter (NFA Letter) as soon as possible

You can find more information about the new regulations by calling us or going to the NJDEP website: