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Information on the New Jersey ISRA

Industrial Recovery Act -- ISRA

In 1983, the New Jersey State Legislature enacted the "Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act" (ECRA) in an effort to stem the transfer of industrial and commercial properties that had been impacted through the discharge of toxic chemicals. With the signing of Senate Bill No. 1070 into law as P.L. 1993, c.139. Section 1 through 22 of P.L. ECRA was renamed the Industrial Recovery Act (ISRA), and included measures designed to promote efficient and timely cleanups by: eliminating unnecessary financial burden on persons responsible for remediating contaminated sites; streamlining regulatory processes; and minimizing governmental involvement in certain business transactions.

Am I applicable
The NJDEP Guide to the Industrial Site Recovery Act states that your business must meet each of the following criteria to be applicable to the requirements of ISRA:

  • The place of business must have a primary Standard Industrial Classification (commonly known as "SIC") major group number within 22-39 inclusive, 46-49 inclusive, 51-76
  • The place of business must have been engaged in operations on or after December 31, 1983
  • The place of business must involve the generation, manufacture, refining, transportation, treatment, storage, handling, or disposal of hazardous substances or hazardous wastes

Firstech Environmental can help
Firstech Environmental's professional staff can determine if your facility is applicable to the requirements of ISRA. If applicability is in question, or if written applicability determination is required from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Firstech Environmental can submit the necessary forms to the NJDEP. Applicability determination can be completed quickly, allowing you to move forward with your transaction without undue delay.

Applicable businesses will benefit from Firstech Environmental's knowledge of the regulations and requirements of ISRA through our ability to focus on the required issues at a property and to eliminate unnecessary work. Our dedicated project managers will make sure all necessary information and forms are thoroughly and accurately completed and submissions to the NJDEP are diligently followed up, assuring you a speedy Negative Declaration or No Further Action letter. Time is of the essence in nearly every ISRA investigation. Firstech Environmental will make sure that your ISRA investigation is completed fast, accurately and in compliance with the NJDEP's regulations so that your property transaction may be completed at the earliest possible date.