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Within the state of New Jersey, providing proper residential oil tank removal and disposal is a key element in protecting personal property and the environment.

As experts in oil tank removal throughout the state of New Jersey, Firstech Environmental can provide “turn-key” removal services of active or previously abandoned underground fuel storage tanks that are located on your property. As a fully insured and NJDEP certified UST removal contractor, Firstech can legally and safely remove your underground oil tank under applicable municipal and State requirements. At Firstech Environmental, our knowledgeable experts are trained to properly and safely locate, remove and provide oil tank disposal of any tank on your property.

Our team of environmental cleanup experts also provides homeowners with remediation bids required for NJDEP UST Fund Grant requests. This State governmental program provides certain financial assistance to New Jersey residents for costs associated with leaking underground storage removal and remediation projects. We understand the complexities of NJDEP requirements and can provide you with the required bid for your UST Fund “Grant” application. We help you ask the right questions, ensuring you get an accurate bid for your leaking UST remediation project.

Contact us for more information regarding oil tank removal services in New Jersey. Or call us at 800-997-2820 and we will be happy to assist you with any questions that you may have regarding the oil tank removal process

Why Should I Consider Oil Tank Removal Services?

Underground oil storage tanks throughout New Jersey were the norm for heating homes and businesses for generations. However, with the rise of natural gas as an alternate source of fuel for heating purposes, underground heating oil storage tanks are becoming increasingly obsolete. Some legitimate reasons for wanting to remove an underground oil tank, include:

  • Environmental Concerns - If not removed, active and inactive (also known as “orphaned”) underground oil storage tanks can create a variety of problems. These problems include contamination to both subsurface soil and groundwater as well as potential impacts to interior home air and potable well water.
  • Rust & Corrosion - When metal is combined with moisture and water in soils surrounding the UST itself, the metal comprising the UST itself will start to rust and. If any portion of the tank rusts through, it is possible that the tank’s contents begin to leak into the surrounding soil and groundwater. This “discharge to the environment” can result in an expensive and messy cleanup process for the property owner.
  • Selling or Buying a Home – If you are looking to purchase or sell a home, understanding the current state of the property’s oil tank is extremely beneficial in understanding and preparing for the potential issues that may arise during a property transaction should the costs/timeframe for the removal of the tank and soil/groundwater cleanup be required affect the sale of the Property.

Underground Oil Tank Removal NJ: Solutions & Advantages 

At Firstech Environmental, our oil tank removal services are designed to clear your property of oil tanks that may be a threat to value of your property. The only 100% effective solution to ascertain the integrity of an underground oil storage tank is complete oil tank removal. With the potentially high-cost of contaminated soil and groundwater cleanup, it is vitally important to remove any oil tank within your property as soon as possible. 

Our oil tank specialists are leading providers of oil tank removal services in New Jersey. With decades of experience and a skilled team, we can complete nearly all oil tank removal projects in just one day. Some of the other advantages associated with oil tank services include: 

Certified NJDEP UST Certified Contractor

With over 25 years of experience as oil tank solution specialists within the state of New Jersey, Firstech Environmental has the knowledge and wherewithal to provide oil tank removal services for any job, no matter how complex. There are several things to consider when searching for a reputable oil tank closure company like Firstech, they include:

  • Will the tank removal contract ensure that someone will be ON-SITE to oversee the UST removal who is NJDEP certified for UST closure?
  • Does the tank removal contract assume the tank is leaking?
  • Does the tank removal contract have a fixed cost to collect and analyze soil samples in accordance with applicable NJDEP regulations should evidence of a tank leak be documented?
  • The determining decision if the oil tank leaked is confirmed via the required municipal construction inspection.

An important tip to remember, always be weary of companies without significant experience, those that are not providing on-site personnel certified for NJDEP oil tank removal, or those that are trying to make a quick profit without providing you with all pertinent information/options to properly address an oil tank leak in compliance with applicable NJDEP regulations.

Contact Firstech Environmental for New Jersey Based Residential Oil Tank Removal Today

Contact us for more information regarding oil tank removal in NJ. Or request a quote for further pricing details today.