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 When a homeowner learns that their property needs groundwater contamination remediation and/or soil remediation, they often ask the following questions:

  • “How much will the cleanup cost?”
  • “How long do these types of remediation processes take?”
  • “What condition will my property be in when the remediation is over?”
  • “Can I get the soil remediation done quickly so I can sell my house?”

Firstech Environmental provides complete groundwater remediation and soil remediation services in New Jersey.As a NJDEP certified contractor for remediation, we can also provide homeowners with an additional bid for remediation required by the NJDEP UST Fund. This funding program can provide financial assistance to New Jersey residents for leaking tank removal and remediation costs associated with a leaking oil tank. With experience working on projects of all sizes, we know exactly what questions to ask to provide you with a detailed, additional bid for your NJDEP UST Fund remediation “Grant” application.

We’re committed to completing soil remediation and groundwater remediation projects quickly and cost effectively, in just four simple steps: 

New Jersey soil remediation

Step 1: Potential Cost Recovery to Alleviate Site Remediation Costs

Typically, the first question prospective soil or groundwater treatment clients ask is, “How am I going to pay for the cleanup?” At Firstech, we have decades of experience in successfully recovering part or all of the cost of a cleanup.

Homeowner’s insurance coverage for cleanup costs associated with leaking residential oil tanks often depends on the language and interpretation of the insurance policies for the property. Typically, groundwater below a property or an adjacent neighboring property is considered a third party. In cases where third party property is impacted by a leaking underground storage tank, homeowner’s insurance coverage may be applicable for cost recovery associated with soil remediation and groundwater remediation associated with the documented tank discharge. By filing a claim with your insurance company, you may be able to minimize the out-of-pocket expense of NJDEP-required soil and/or groundwater remediation.

If you are not eligible for full coverage through your homeowner’s insurance policy, the NJDEP has a program to help homeowners cover the costs associated with soil remediation and groundwater treatment necessitated by an underground tank leak. Through the NDJEP  UST program, homeowners may qualify for a grant from the state or a low-interest loan to offset the cost of remediating a heating oil underground storage tank leak.

Firstech Environmental’s experienced staff can assist you with your insurance claim review and/or NDJEP UST Fund application to recover the costs of these types of remediation. If you are eligible for cost recovery, through insurance, the UST fund, or a combination of both, the Firstech team will help you through the process to achieve your attainable goal.

New Jersey groundwater remediation

Step 2: Remedial Investigation – Defining the Extent of the Oil Tank Leak

In order to obtain a more accurate cost estimate before starting the soil remediation and/or groundwater remediation process, homeowners have the option to complete a remedial investigation of impacted soil and/or groundwater to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the impacted area. A remedial investigation lets the homeowner know what to expect before the actual remediation starts so that an accurate site remediation estimate can be prepared without any significant surprises.

Soil & groundwater remediation

Step 3: Remediation of Impacted Soil & Groundwater

At Firstech, the client's goals are always the first priority in our remedial strategies. Client goals typically come down to time versus cost for cleanup. We will propose numerous remedial strategies based on the site-specific conditions at your property. A majority of our cleanup strategies come down to soil excavation, which yields the highest probability of success in effectively limiting the environmental liability on a property. Another common remedial method is in-situ remediation, which is less intrusive on a property but requires a longer period of time to fully complete.

Remediation Processes

There are two predominant methods of soil and groundwater remediation: direct soil excavation and in-situ remediation. Both remedial strategies offer positive and negative attributes, and no one remedial strategy is the answer to every project.

 Direct Excavation

Direct excavation is a fast and effective soil remediation strategy. Impacted soil is removed directly from the property and replaced by soil that has been certified as clean by a laboratory.

 In-Situ Remediation

In in-situ remediation, the soil is left in place and treated chemically or biologically to remove contamination. Agents that degrade and breakdown certain contaminants are injected into the soil. This strategy is particularly useful when direct excavation is not feasible due to cost or site accessibility, especially in situations where contamination is present at great depth or beneath a permanent structure.

NJDEP approved

Step 4: Site Remediation

Firstech personnel make it a point to minimize disturbances to a property during the course of any soil remediation or groundwater remediation project. All practical measures are taken to ensure that no unnecessary damage occurs. Any and all areas that are affected by remedial activities will be returned to their pre-existing condition after work on the property is complete.

Buying or Selling A Home in New Jersey: Tank Removal & Remediation

It is difficult to sell a property with an underground oil tank, due to the potential cost/liability of an unknown tank leak. In years past, homeowners have left their heating oil underground tanks in-place and filled them with sand or foam. If this was done on your property, you may need to remove the tank before you can sell your home.

We understand that when you’re ready to put your house on the market, you want to complete any repairs or upgrades required by the buyer as quickly as possible. Firstech Environmental is committed to completing your tank scan, tank removal, and/or remediation projects quickly and efficiently, so that you can put your house up for sale without unnecessary delay.

If you’re in the market to buy a home, you should know whether or not there is a tank buried at the property before you purchase it. Firstech Environmental can perform a limited UST scan of the property to locate underground tanks and determine whether additional investigation of a tank is necessary. Don’t buy a home and discover later that it has an underground oil tank—be proactive and prepare yourself for the potential liability of a leaking tank before you buy.

Contact Firstech Environmental

Firstech Environmental proudly serves customers throughout the state of New Jersey. (View our service areas here.) For more information about our soil remediation and groundwater remediation services, contact us at 800-997-2820 or request a quote.