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Soil testing in New JerseyFirstech Environmental is NJDEP Subsurface Evaluation Certified and additionally employs personnel who are individually certified by the NJDEP for UST Closure and Subsurface Evaluation.

Groundwater Testing

Utilizing a GeoProbe® direct push earth drill or hand auger, Firstech personnel advance a soil boring in the suspected down-gradient location to confirm the depth and quality of groundwater underlying the property. Firstech then installs a temporary monitoring point and collects a groundwater sample for laboratory analysis. A groundwater sample will be collected following the procedures outlined within the NJDEP’s Field Sampling Procedures Manual (FSPM) and will be submitted to a New Jersey certified laboratory for chemical analysis.

Soil Testing

Firstech personnel utilize a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) to continuously screen the soils removed from the borehole during the installation of the temporary monitoring point in an effort to determine an approximate vertical limit of the impact. Firstech personnel then install a number of soil borings around the perimeter of the affected area using the GeoProbe® or hand auger to determine an approximate horizontal and vertical limit of impact.  

Soil removed from the ground during the installation of each boring will be field screened using an PID and soil/water agitation testing to obtain a field determination of hydrocarbon impact. Soil samples will be collected as necessary from the boring locations to quantify the impact to soil at various locations. At the conclusion of soil boring installation, all boreholes will be backfilled accordingly.  


Following the completion of the above outlined investigation and the receipt of the laboratory analytical data, Firstech will prepare a summary report outlining the investigation activities that were completed at the Property, summarizing the data obtained during the completion of the investigation, and including an evaluation of the data generated for the preparation of a proposal for site remediation if needed.

Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding soil and groundwater sampling.