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NJ underground oil tank closure

Customer: Confidential - Church
Client: Orange, Essex County, New Jersey

Firstech Environmental properly decommissioned three #2 heating oil underground storage tanks (tanks) ranging from 2,000-gallons to 4,000-gallon capacity at a church facility. A soil investigation was performed in accordance with the NJDEP Closure Approval and Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C. 7:26E). A No Further Action approval was granted by the NJDEP given site-specific conditions as detailed in Firstech Environmental's Remedial Investigation Report (RIR).

No further action request and NJDEP approval
Firstech Environmental prepared a RIR upon completion of the soil delineation. The RIR contained technical justifications for No Further Action at the site. The NJDEP approved the RIR for No Further Action. The site-specific conditions that supported a No Further Action Request and approval by the NJDEP were as follows:

  • The subsurface soils located at the site consisted of greater than 15% silt and clay. Based on the subsurface conditions and as confirmed with the delineation samples, the impact area is considered to be a minimal localized area.
  • The surface directly above the impacted soil consisted of impervious asphalt pavement. The soil delineation borings were extended to below the impacted area and ground water was not encountered. As a result of these site conditions, there was no potential for vertical migration or human contact of the impacted area.

Given the above data, No Further Action was requested by Firstech Environmental and approved by the NJDEP.

Customer benefits

  • Reduced expenditures on soil remediation were realized
  • Expedited No Further Action approval was possible due to thorough data presentation and justification with a risk-based approach to remediation